Happy National Running Day!

Did you know today was National Running Day? Honestly, I didn’t until I checked my email this morning and found a few special National Running Day offers in my inbox.

When I woke up this morning, my legs were a little fatigued so I was planning on taking today off. But it is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Chicago: bright sunshine, a perfect 65 degrees, and a light breeze. It would be a crime NOT to run today. So I went out for a great forty minute run by the lake.  It was a perfect way to celebrate National Running Day (even if I didn’t know it at the time)!

If you head over to Competitor.com’s National Running Day site and log your run today, they have some special offers and discounts available.

To celebrate the Rock ‘N’ Roll marathon series is offering $20 of the entry in almost all of their races. If you were on the fence about signing up for one of their events, consider this a sign. Sign up now!