iRun Socks

iRun Compression Socks
iRun Compression Socks

This is a post about socks.

Yes, socks.

I never paid a lot of attention to my running socks. I have picked up a few pairs of special socks at running stores or race expos over time and they always suited me fine.  They have a bit of compression through the arch and are made of a cotton-like moisture-wicking material.  But to be perfectly honest I didn’t notice much of a difference between these special running socks and regular cotton athletic socks.

However, I recently received a few pairs of iRun Hybrid-Compression socks and I love them, so much that I won’t run in anything else.

The iRun socks are made of a smooth material and feature a compression arch that results in a very comfortable, snug fit. But I love them because they are lighter-weight than my other running socks and are excellent at controlling moisture. On long humid runs, my old running socks would get soaked through with sweat, even though they are made of a supposed moisture-wicking material (I’ll give my old socks the benefit of the doubt here as I sweat a lot). But these iRun socks with their lighter material do a better job keeping my feet (reasonably) dry.

So when I run in them, I actually notice my iRun socks. They are simply lighter, drier, and more comfortable than anything I’ve run in before.